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Meet 2022 Ambassador Jennifer Obakhume

Meet 2022 Ambassador Jennifer Obakhume

Jennifer is 33 years old and from Los Angeles County. She has multiple health conditions that result from what she describes as a "body built of pieces from a generic parts junkyard and old carpenter's glue."

She became a CalABLE account holder as a result of an unfortunate experience that gave her unforeseen funds but threatened to remove the health insurance she can't be without because of her health. Jennifer wants to make sure she can help others in similar situations.

Trained in radio journalism in high school by an amazing non-profit, she loves food, music, dancing, animals, history, game shows from the Goodson-Todman library, and travel to wonderful places that makes life thrilling. If she has Minnie Riperton, ABBA, Marvin Gaye, or Ethel Merman on her record player, don't even knock--come back in 6 days!

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