Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

Does having an account affect my other benefits?
Generally, no. You can open and maintain a CalABLE account while keeping your federal and state benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, HUD Assistance, Section 8, etc.). If you receive SSI, there is a $100,000 limit on the CalABLE account balance before funds start counting against your $2,000... Read more
What kind of benefits do I get?
One of the main benefits of having a CalABLE account is being able to save for eligible expenses and invest for the future in a tax-advantaged account. The account’s growth is tax-free. In some states, contributions to an ABLE account may qualify you for a state income tax deduction. A tax... Read more
Is money on the card counted as an asset for benefits?

Just like the funds in your CalABLE account, the funds on your ABLE Visa® Card do not count as assets for state or federal benefits.