Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

Where can I find my account number?

You can find and edit all the information about a CalABLE account on the settings page — including contact info, condition, customization, money allocation, and yearly goal.

Can I roll over a 529 College Savings Plan account into my CalABLE account?
Yes, if you or a family member* are the beneficiary of a 529 College Savings account, the owner of that account can roll it over (subject to the annual contribution limit and lifetime contribution limit) into your CalABLE account without tax penalty. There is a $18,000 rollover limit (less any... Read more
Can I use an existing CalABLE account if it was closed?

Yes. Simply give us a call and we’ll walk you through the process to get it reestablished. Reach us Monday through Friday, at 1-833-225-2253 from 6am–5pm PT.

Can I set up automatic monthly transfers into a CalABLE account?

Yes. Look for the “Transfers” button once you’re signed in and follow the setup for Monthly Transfers.

Can I connect more than one bank account to an ABLE account?
Yes, you can connect more than one bank account as well as multiple types of bank accounts. Each account and type will need to be connected individually, but you can have both savings and checking accounts linked to your account at one time. The Account Owner/Custodian or Beneficiary must own the... Read more
How do I add multiple bank accounts?
Once you’ve logged in to your CalABLE account, find your “Account” section in Your Profile, and click on “Add a new bank account.” Follow the steps to connect a new bank account associated with either the beneficiary of the CalABLE account or the Authorized Legal Representative. Keep in mind that... Read more
What type of bank accounts can I add?

You can connect a checking or savings account.

How do I manage different bank accounts with multiple beneficiaries?

If you are managing ABLE accounts for more than one beneficiary, you can use the same banking information on multiple accounts. The bank account has to be added to each plan account individually.

As an ALR, can I open and/or manage more than one CalABLE account?

Yes. As long as you meet the ALR qualifications, you can open and manage multiple CalABLE accounts for beneficiaries as their Authorized Legal Representative. Remember that each CalABLE account can be connected to one or more bank accounts, and each beneficiary can have only one account at a time.

See how to open additional CalABLE accounts

As an ALR, how do I add another CalABLE account?
Start by logging in to your existing account. In the upper right corner of your screen, or in the navigation on your mobile device, find the icon next to your name that looks like a profile picture. Click on the arrow to enable a drop-down menu. Find the link that says, “Add account.” Click and... Read more