Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

What kind of benefits do I get?
One of the main benefits of having a CalABLE account is being able to save for eligible expenses and invest for the future in a tax-advantaged account. The account’s growth is tax-free. In some states, contributions to an ABLE account may qualify you for a state income tax deduction. A tax... Read more
Do I have to pay taxes on my account?
As long as the money in your CalABLE account is used for qualified expenses, it will not be counted as income for your state or federal taxes. If a purchase or other expense doesn’t qualify as an eligible expense, you’ll have to pay taxes and a 10% penalty on the interest portion of the amount... Read more
How is this different from a Special Needs Trust or Pooled Trust?
A CalABLE account does not replace a Special Needs Trust or Pooled Trust. There are some key differences that are meant to give people living with disabilities and their families more options.  With a CalABLE account:  There are fewer expenses than setting up a trust.  The beneficiary owns the... Read more
What is the ABLE Act?
Millions of people with disabilities rely on public benefits and federal programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medicaid, and others for their basic living needs, but even those benefits can be limiting. Those receiving much needed... Read more