Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

Do I have to file separate taxes for each CalABLE account?

Each beneficiary account will receive separate tax documents.

These forms are for information purposes only. Please consult a tax professional for questions about whether or not an individual income tax return needs to be filed.

What happens after the death of a beneficiary? Is there a Medicaid payback?
In the event of the death of a beneficiary, the funds from a CalABLE account can be used by his or her estate to repay any outstanding eligible expenses, funeral, and burial costs. If the beneficiary was receiving Medicaid benefits, Medicaid can file a claim for a payback upon the beneficiary’s... Read more
Is the money in the CalABLE account considered an asset?

The money in the account generally isn’t considered an asset for federal and state benefit purposes. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits only, you can have up to $100,000 in the account before the funds start to count against the $2,000 limit.

Can someone else access my account?
To keep the account safe, do not share your password with others and do not let someone else have access to your account unless an Authorized Legal Representative (ALR) is the manager. If you want to change the ALR for the account, give us a call Monday through Friday, at 1-833-225-2253 from... Read more
What if I want to close my account?

Simply give us a call and we’ll assist you. Reach us Monday through Friday, at 1-833-225-2253 from 6am–5pm PT. We’ll be sad to see you go.

How do I withdraw money?
You can make withdrawals of at least $5 at any time online. A transfer can take 2-5 business days to complete, depending on how the money is allocated. You can request a check to be sent to you or a third-party payee. The check should arrive in 5-7 business days. If you request a full... Read more
Are there limits on how many times I can withdraw money from my account?

No. There are no limits on how many times you can make withdrawals.

Do you charge fees for withdrawing money?

No. There are no fees for withdrawing money.

How do I add money?
Once your bank account is connected, you can contribute a minimum of $1 directly into your CalABLE account at any time online. It’s easy and secure. You can also set up monthly transfers of at least $1 to add funds automatically each month as well as direct deposits from your paycheck or the... Read more
Can employment earnings be deposited into my account through payroll direct deposit?
Yes! Complete the setup process in three simple steps: Log in to your ABLE account and click on “Direct Deposit” on the Total Balance tile Enter your information as well as employer details and retrieve your direct deposit details — including a unique routing and account numbers Provide your... Read more