Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

Does having an account affect my other benefits?
Generally, no. You can open and maintain a CalABLE account while keeping your federal and state benefits (SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, HUD Assistance, Section 8, etc.). If you receive SSI, there is a $100,000 limit on the CalABLE account balance before funds start counting against your $2,000... Read more
What kind of benefits do I get?
One of the main benefits of having a CalABLE account is being able to save for eligible expenses and invest for the future in a tax-advantaged account. The account’s growth is tax-free. In some states, contributions to an ABLE account may qualify you for a state income tax deduction. A tax... Read more
How do I prove my eligibility?

You will be asked a series of questions when opening your account. If your eligibility depends on a medical diagnosis, you will not need to produce a copy of your diagnosis to open an account, but you must have the diagnosis available and provide it upon request.

Do I have to be a resident of California to open a CalABLE account?

No. Residents from any state may open a CalABLE account.

How much does it cost to open an account?

There is no fee to open an account. However, you’ll need to make an initial deposit of at least $25 to get started and a $1 minimum for any contribution after that. Additionally, there are some minimal fees that apply to all accounts.

Who controls the funds in a CalABLE account?
The Eligible Individual is considered to be the account owner. However, anyone who is selected by the eligible individual with legal capacity, who has Power of Attorney, is a conservator or legal guardian, a spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, or a representative payee (individual or... Read more
What happens if the beneficiary is no longer eligible for an account?
If a beneficiary no longer meets eligibility requirements, they (or their account manager) should sign in to the account’s settings and update their eligibility. Their account will remain open, and they can continue to use the account. However, withdrawals made at a time the beneficiary is no... Read more
Who can open a CalABLE account for an eligible beneficiary?
An adult beneficiary with a qualifying disability can open and manage a CalABLE account. If a beneficiary is under the age of 18 or unable to open an account on their own, they must have an Authorized Legal Representative (also known as an ALR) do it for them. An ALR may be anyone who is selected... Read more
Can a Social Security Representative Payee open an account for a beneficiary?
If you’re an eligible beneficiary with a Representative Payee, you can open an account for yourself. If you have legal capacity, you may select a Representative Payee to open and manage an account for you. Otherwise, to have a Representative Payee open and manage an account for you, they must... Read more